Wednesday, July 30, 2014

30 Weeks

30 Weeks and doing good. Baby is measuring right on schedule and right on target for the 8th of October. I went and had my 2nd ultrasound done today, my placental lake was absorbed and is no longer an issue! Now it's just time to make it past the next 10 weeks to meet our little guy! and have a name for him!

How far along: 30 weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: 10 lbs.+ (Lost 3 pounds this week.......)
Maternity clothes:
Stretch marks: No issues. They are not growing or going darker. (HAPPY DANCE!)
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Depnds on how I am feeling that day. Still alternating between the bed and love sac.
Best moment this week: No best momemts. Only crappy ones unfortunately. Since the 24th I have been really sick. I don't throw up unless I have to and I did yesterday. Making it 3 times this pregnancy..... Yuck!
Miss anything: Food. I miss being able to just eat what I want right now. This stomach bug better pass soon! I want a steak!
Body Update: Hips are starting to get sore again. Between that and this sick tummy everything has been great!
Movement: It depends on the moment. Sometimes I get a bunch, then nothing for awhile. He is definitely getting bigger though. I can feel where he is. The Dr. says he is head down!
Cravings: Still just wanting cold food. 
Queasy or sick: EXTREMELY
Looking forward to: Finishing Ronin's toddler bed. I still have to paint it....

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