Friday, July 4, 2014

26 Weeks! 14 Weeks Left!

I have to give a shout out to the blog Little Baby Garvin! This blog had a picture pinned onto Pinterest which got me to think of what I would do when I was expecting! This lady has done such a great job at making awesome boards that inspired me to do my own. Although ours are different, This is where I got the idea of doing the chalk board and posting about what was going on for family out of state.

Just recently I was looking back into the blog history and found that she also has a little weekly post on how she is feeling and updates on what is going on. I have decided to adopt this idea and give it a shot!

How far along: 26 weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: 10 lbs.+
Maternity clothes: I live in maternity clothes! There is nothing else that I can really fit in. I have been stretching into a few shirts but that won't last much longer.
Stretch marks: No, but I think a few may be getting ready to show through again.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep:There is no such thing as sleep right now. I wake up often and my hips get very sore. I alternate between the bed and LoveSac.
Best moment this week: Finished my newest project. Ryan did a lot of the work but it still looks great. Coming tomorrow on Lou's To Do's. Also Ronin had his surgery last week and I'm just glad that it is over......
Miss anything: Being able to move and do things I used to do. Playing is getting harder and I'm getting winded just walking up the stairs.
Movement: Lots of rolling with kicks here and there. Dr. said I don't have to monitor anything until 30 weeks, which is when I have my next ultrasound.
Cravings: No major cravings but I have been eating a lot of watermelon and cereal. I think if it's cold I want it.
Queasy or sick: No sickness just feel off. and get really irritable quickly.
Looking forward to: Getting into that last trimester! 2 more weeks and we are there!

**Board story: I had such great plans for this board. It was going to have sparklers and a flag! As I was working on it on Sunday, Ronin decided that he wanted to add some of his fingerprints to it. He smudged up the "4th" right after I had finished it, then I was taking laundry out of the dryer and swiped it across the '6' of 26. I had planned on fixing it but today just didn't allow that to happen. I was swamped with sanding and staining, mixed with a little boy who only took 1 nap at 10 am. I figured, this board just wanted some character, and it got it.

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