Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Great Day then a Lost Dog

On the 24th of July, Moose escaped from the backyard as we were up at some family property above Park City. We left at about 12:30 and didn't make it home until 9. But while we were up at the property we had fun time.

The Property is a place where my dad's family all gets together with trailers and 4-wheelers and hang out. Relax the day away in the great mountain air. With it being a holiday in Utah we were lucky enough to have a few more family members up there.

My parents left the house right after noon and we left shortly after, picking up some lunch before we made the 30ish minute journey. I wasn't feeling great but wanted to get away. Ronin took a quick nap along the way so we decided to swing by the Tanger Outlets in Park City and check out the Crocs store. Ryan needs some new camo shoes. When we got there, no Crocs store was to be found. We circled the whole outlet and, nada. This wasn't what we wanted to see. But such is life and we were back on the freeway. We hit a gas station on the way and picked up some snacks and saw that I-80 had been merged into a 1 lane highway on the opposite side of the road.

Let me explain how the Interstate is at this point of the journey. I-80 breaks away from on-coming traffic with a giant gully between going West and East. This means that everyone was traveling on the same side of the gully in 1 lane and you have to go another exit past the one we wanted, after the gully. You have to turn around at the following exit to get to where you wanted to go. This was a 10 minute delay in all but isn't that big of a deal. Just an inconvenience.

Anyway, we arrive and it is beautiful up there. Still a bit hot but all around nice, A slight breeze was coming through the camp and everything was serene. My parents brought up their Razor and took Ronin and my sisters boys for a ride. Ronin was elated! He loves the Razor. He would be in it all day if he could. Ryan and I got a chance to relax for a minute as they went.

After they got back it was back to chasing this little boy around. He was so happy and just loved being outside for a whole day. Ryan had to take a few phone calls while we were there and Ronin was his little tag along. He had to be where his dad was at all times. During 1 call, Ryan went and sat up at a trailer and Ronin made sure he was being dad's little copycat. Sitting on the step and not taking his eyes off of him.

The weather started to cool down and we had dinner around 6:30. My sister and the boys took the Razor out 1 more time before we headed out to come home. With such an exhausting day, I though for sure Ronin would fall asleep in the car. Not the case. He was as wide eyed as ever.

Upon coming home around 9 pm, I went out back to get Moose so we could go in for bed. I called for him several times but was not answered by a happy dog. I was greeted by silence. I looked all around and that's when I saw it. The gate was open...... Running frantic, as I do, I drop all my stuff and go the the front yard and start yelling and whistling for Moose. No reply. The only response I was getting back was the fireworks that everyone was lighting off. There was no way for him to hear me even if he was close by. Ronin noticing that I was calling for Moose, Started call himself, "Moose! Moose!" and making the kissing sounds you do to call a pet. My heart began to break. Not only was I the one who put Moose away, I would be the reason for this poor little boys heartbreak.

I know that saying it would break his heart is a little much but that is how I felt. I thought I had lost my child's best friend. It's all my fault.

I couldn't hardly sleep a wink that night. I was destrot. I was awake at 5:45, calling the shelter to leave a message that when they got in they would hopefully have my dog. I posted all over the Internet trying to find him. I posted all over Facebook and KSL trying to let everyone know that my dog was gone and I needed him back.

I posted this picture with everything so we could bring him home.

Still frantic in the morning I called the shelter 3 times, no answer. I knew that they didn't have the day off as it was not a holiday but wondered if I was going to have to wait til Monday to hear anything.

Then at 11:30 I received the best call. My buddy, Officer Wilson, had Moose at the shelter. He had come in between 1 and 2 and was able to be picked up after 1, as they had a meeting. Relief washed over me as I couldn't have been more excited that he was ok.

I have learned a lesson from this en-devour, Moose will be getting a microchip. One with GPS so if he gets out again I will know where he is.

Now we are all back together and happy as can be!

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