Saturday, July 12, 2014

27 Weeks! Last Trimester!

3rd Trimester.......... What???

How far along: 27 weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: 13 lbs.+
Maternity clothes: In this picture, everything is maternity. The skirt, tank and cardigan are all from Motherhood.
Stretch marks: No,
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I don't sleep much. I toss most of the night. I've gotten to the pint where I will sleep hard until 2 then my ear will ach from sleeping on it...... Not sure if that is normal.
Best moment this week: We went to Wheeler Farm. It was great but by the end I was ready to be in the A/C!
Miss anything: being able to walk normal. I have the waddle and my right hip is starting to act up again.
Movement: Hiccups have started. I can tell when he is head down too. He likes to kick my ribs on the left.
Cravings: Still just wanting cold food. I'm really diggin' cereal!
Queasy or sick: No.
Looking forward to: my Dr.'s appointments getting closer! Plus I get to see this guy again on the 30th! Super excited for that!

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