Monday, July 21, 2014

28 Weeks with no Picture???

Well, the title says it all. This last week has been a crazy one so say the least. I wish there was a better answer but also let me elaborate for you on how last week went.

Sunday: We went to church as normal but Ronin was very upset. We couldn't get him to calm down. Ryan brought him home and put him down for a nap. When I got home at noon he was starting to wake up. When he came upstairs he had a fever of 101*. Thinking that he was teething, we gave him some Tylenol and gave him some cold food to help with him mouth. His fever came back 4 hours later and so it was more Tylenol for him. He had a rough night but made it through for the most part.

Monday: This was to be the start of Ryan's week off. He had scheduled it for a vacation that ended up falling through. So we hung out at home. Ronin's fever came and went through out the day. He had a hard time with meals and all so we had a lot of cuddle time. This lasted all day.

Tuesday: Ronin woke up with no fever so we decided to get out of the house. We went on our family hike to Bountiful that I posted about earlier. All seemed to go really well. I had the roughest time with being juggled around like a hamster stuck in a ball, but all ended ok. After getting home we were all exhausted. We had dinner and put Ronin down to bed. We ate marshmallows for dessert. A great overall day.

Wednesday: Ryan woke up not feeling very good. Ronin was also a bit cranky. So again we had a veg morning. We went out to breakfast, hung out at home, After Ronin's 2nd nap, Ryan was really not feeling good. and it was written all over his face. I took Ronin and he went down for a nap. After he woke up from his nap, he had a fever and was not doing so good. He was sent to bed. That night I had a sore throat.....

Thursday: In the morning, Ryan still had a bit of a fever and my throat was killing me. I could hardly swallow. Ronin was irritable. At this point I'm getting irritable. I have 2 sick boys and I am super pregnant. Great way to start the day.

Friday: Ryan is done being a vegetable. HE wakes up early and gets out of the house. Ronin had an early Dr.'s appointment then I have one later in the afternoon. I was to take my Glucose test, which means I could only eat certain things, ie: No Sugar. I was was having a rough morning. We get to Ronin's appointment and all starts out good. They put us in the Forrest room which he loved. He kept looking at all the animals. His mind was blown. They measured him, not so much fun, and all was above great. The Dr. comes in and checks him out and asks about how much he talks about and what he does which is also above great. When he checks his throat, he tell me that Ronin has Hand Foot Mouth. I know that I have heard about it but I admit I had no idea what this entailed. He didn't have the rashes on his hand and feet but he did have the mouth sores which is why he was having all of these issues. Great. He is contagious! And shouldn't be around other kids. This is awesome, seeing how my mom watches my older nephews on Friday and we were going to have a bunch of people over to swim. Great, this means that this is what Ryan and I had also had. Ryan got it full force, I only got the sore in my throat. Still, not a fun combination. Ryan came home and I told him the update. He was happy to know it was going to pass but we were still a bit shocked that we had gotten this from our little Ronin. Next was my Dr.'s appointment. This had to be the quickest appointment I have ever had, which didn't help because I still had to be there for a whole hour so that they could draw my blood. Everything checked out, i believe, I still haven't heard if I have any issues or not.

We spent the rest of Friday hoarded up in the basement away from everyone.

Saturday and Sunday: Basically stayed downstairs again. Ryan went back out on another hike and had began to feel better. Ronin and I stayed home from church because it was too risky to go.

At the end of it all, last week was not our best. But we are pushing through to see what the world has in store for us next!

How far along: 28 weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: 13 lbs.+
Maternity clothes: I currently wear all maternity mixed with some of Ryan's shirts.
Stretch marks: No, but I think the ones I have from Ronin and starting to go pink.
Belly button in or out: In, though it is disappearing...
Sleep: I can get sleep in the love sac. Other than that, I struggle.
Best moment this week: Having such a quick Dr.'s appointment and that I now go in every 2 weeks. We are getting closed!
Miss anything: I miss everyday functions, bending over, moving around, all of it... 
Body Update: I keep pulling muscles in my tummy section. It hasn't been the greatest feeling. I hope that is will stop soon. It's getting painful.
Movement: Hiccups and a lot of rolling. He seems to be head down with his back curved on my right side and feet in my left ribs.
Cravings: Still just wanting cold food. 
Queasy or sick: No.
Looking forward to: The 24th of July! Happy Pioneer Day this week!

1 comment:

  1. I tried to post a comment, but then the Internet eated it... So now this one is short. Luke just had this as well and is much better now. Glad to see you are on the upswing, the downswing is pretty bad.
