Tuesday, August 5, 2014

An Ultrasound and the Hospital

Yesterday was a fun day. I was super excited to be able to get another look at our little guy! People laugh at me and think I'm crazy, but getting to see the little guy that's been lounging around in my belly, I love it.

I was super excited all day! I knew that we were going as a family to this appointment at Fetal Foto and couldn't wait. I have been to this establishment several times and couldn't be happier with the services that they have provided us. They have been right on every time and the tech really knows what she is doing (we got the same tech who did Ronin's to do all of this little mans, totally not planned.). If I had to give them a rating, I would give them the highest marks on any scale. They truly are amazing there!

Anyway, I was super stoked to see this guy and when it final came time, I told the tech what I knew from last Wednesday, "They said that he is head down and that he sits on the right side of my body. This is where his feet normally are (pointing to my left ribs)."

As soon as she started to look around she said, "Well, it seems that he has flipped. He is now breech and his head is right here (indicating to just below my left ribs). And he is all wound up. All his limbs are right here........ And he has a head of hair!"

Great. So, I'm now 30 weeks and this baby has flipped on me and we may not get any shots..... Just what I was hoping for. NOT! However, a head of hair? I'll take that!

As the ultrasound went on, we did get some pretty cool shots. He seems to look a bit like Ronin (last picture at the bottom) and is very comfortable being bent in half. We tried to get him to move around a little bit but he wasn't too interested. A few spots were tender on my tummy after but all in all it turned out to be a good experience.

Then today we went to the Hogle Zoo (which was a blast) and went to tour Lone Peak Hospital. It was a great experience. They showed us a room and explained that you don't move rooms! I'm excited about that. The nurse answered all of my questions and the other couples, who were touring too. She explained about all the doctors, Natural and anesthetic deliveries, and all questions were met with a calm answer. With not having great experience with my nurses last time, She assured me that things would be different. I would have jumped for joy, if not for the baby in my tummy.

When we left I was feeling great! The baby must have recognized this because he started moving more, braxton hicks contractions started, and he got the hiccups. The pregnancy tri-fecta. The only thing I was missing was heart burn, and that came shortly after......

With so much excitement over the last couple of days, who knows what will happen next!

Current Pregnancy

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