Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Stress Ball That Grew

Yesterday was a cascading waterfall of events that drove me crazy. Although they may seem minute to you, This just felt like layer after layer of problems. But let me start from the beginning, which was great.

Yesterday morning started out like any other morning. Ronin and I woke up, had breakfast, and watched some Daniel Tiger. My doctor appointments are now every 2 weeks so I had one that morning and Ronin got to come with me. We arrived right on time, and we were in and out within 15 minutes (almost my record time). We headed home and Ronin went right down for a nap. He slept for about 45 minutes by the time my brother arrived from out of town and my sister had a bunch of friends out back swimming. Ronin woke up wanting to play.

We had made plans to go to the Dinosaur Museum with some friends at 2. We left right on time, a miracle, and were on the road. I knew Ronin was hungry so I decided to stop by JCW's . There was a line but it didn't seem too long, oh was I wrong. I waited 5 minutes to order my food, a kids chicken strip meal, and then waited 3 to get my food. Waiting for my food wasn't the problem. At JCW's they have 2 lanes and they don't serve at a first come first served manner. They deliver food as it is ready. This normally isn't a problem either but I had gotten my food and still had 2 cars in front of me who still hadn't gotten anything, that's my problem. After getting my food, I had to wait another 10 minutes for the cars in front of me to get theirs. I was starting to get very irritated at this point.

Finally I was off to the Museum. However, whoever thought up the plans to the parking lot of JCW's was a fool and it was a joke to get out. I finally make it to an exit and had to wait for 2 other cars to make up their minds on where they were going. Luckily when it was my turn, there was an awesome lady who let me in and let me get across so I could turn at the other light.

I get to the parking lot and there is a lady walking over to her truck. I though, "Perfect! A truck for a truck!". So I politely waited with my blinker on, happy to even get a spot because of how packed it was. While I was waiting there were 2 ladies standing at the back of their car with the back hatch open and kids running around. They sat there just gabbing away as if they were sitting on a couch having their conversation. Well they were right in the path of the truck that was pulling out and would make it difficult for me to pull in.

As the truck began to back out, the ladies just stood there like it was the trucks responsibility to not hit them or their kids. The lady of the truck did great. She backed out very slow, giving the ladies time to move and if the kids happened to run behind her, she had time to stop. Well, the ladies never moved. They gave the lady in the truck a nasty look but kept talking. The lady in the truck seemed to be hoping to have given herself enough space to pull out but she was still too close to another car. Having to back up again, she got ever closer to the ladies. I thought one of the ladies was going to hit the tailgate of the truck just by the look she gave. The truck finally had enough space to pull out and away from these ignorant women.

As I was getting ready to pull up to park, a van pulled up and was unable to get around me because of these ladies, so I pulled farther up so it could pass and was finally able to back into the parking spot. After I pulled in I was given the stink eye. I am not sure what I did to piss these ladies off but they seemed ready to lay someone out.

I began to ignore them, pulling out all of my gear, stroller, phone, food, Ronin and diaper bag. I locked the car from the front seat after opening Ronin's door, closing it putting him in the stroller then closing his door. After he was strapped in, I realized that I was missing 1 very important thing. THE KEYS! I looked in the driver window and there they were. Sitting on the front seat, starring at me. Laughing at me. I slammed my hands on the window, "S**T!" This expletive now warranted a dirty look from the ladies across from me, but at this point I didn't care.

I started to head into the museum and it was all I could do to not break down. I called Ryan and told him what had happened. He said he would come save me after we went through the museum, just to call him 15 minutes before we were done.

It was so crowded. Kids were running everywhere. I am surprised that me, my friends and our kids didn't get hurt.hooligans running around. It was all I could do to keep the stroller on the path. By the time we made it to the end, we were all relieved that it was over.

I called Ryan to let him know that I was ready for him to start coming. I called right back thinking about the spare that we had hidden on the truck. It isn't there anymore. But while I was talking with him, he couldn't find the spare that we needed. It was gone........ My heart did a little flop. This is not good. Keys locked in the car and no spare? What a great day I was having.

Once he arrived I headed back to the truck. We called Thanksgiving Point to see if their security had equipment to get us in. That was a no go. We had to call Lehi Police to come break into our truck. We waited about 15 minutes before they arrived. The officer was a pro. He got in with no damage to the truck and then we were on our way!

This all happened within 2.5 hours. Like I said, you may think that this is nothing, but it was a big something at the time. I am glad it is another day, another time and that this is in the past. Now onto 32 weeks. Maybe I should stay home today and just relax.......... Or maybe we should go to the aquarium......

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