Thursday, August 7, 2014

31 Weeks

Not the best lighting that I could have had but it still works. I also look like I am going to pee my pants. We will work on that next time.......

How far along: 31 weeks, 9 WEEKS LEFT! Single digits!
Gender: Boy - I hope...
Weight gain: 13 lbs.+ (gained back the weight I lost while I was sick.)
Maternity clothes: Non in this pic. Maxi dress from Old Navy and a cardigan I have had for awhile.
Stretch marks: No issues. 
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Depending on the night, I don't get much. I wake up a few times a night and have to pee by 2:30
Best moment this week: Yesterday's post, should sum this one up.
Miss anything: Free time. I don't get much of it anymore, and won't for awhile 
Body Update: Major Braxton Hicks contractions off and on.
Movement: It depends on the moment. Sometimes they are small, other times they kick my but. He is pushing on my back recently which has been pretty painful.
Cravings: Still just wanting cold food. 
Queasy or sick: Not any more. Doing much better as long as I eat.
Looking forward to: My anniversary on Friday! 5 Years!!

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