Monday, August 25, 2014

33 Weeks

How far along: 33 Weeks
Gender: Boy.
Weight gain: 13 lbs.+ 
Maternity clothes: Motherhood sweater and an Old Navy skirt.
Stretch marks: No. 
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I've been doing ok with sleep. Not great. I really wish that sleep would come easier. Plus I have been dying of heat the last few nights!
Best moment this week: I made some awesome meals this week. Best moment is everyone liking them.
Miss anything: I really miss sleeping on my tummy. Along with several other things. 
Body Update: I'm doing good. My back only hurts when the baby is pushing on it, and my feet only hurt if I have been on them for a long time.
Movement: This kid moves all day! And I think that he had finally flipped back to head down. At least I am really hoping that that is the case. I feel like I can tell when he gets the hiccups.
Cravings: Still just wanting cold food. 
Queasy or sick: Not at all.
Looking forward to: My 34 Week appointment. I have a lot of questions for my Dr. I have also been getting really anxious this week. I have been feeling under-prepared.

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