Friday, August 29, 2014

34 Weeks

So I went to the doctor on Tuesday. Everything is looking good. Little man is a mover for sure. He hasn't settled into being head down yet and the doctor won't be concerned with that until my 36 week appointment. At that time She will start checking if I'm dilating and I'll start going weekly. It's crazy to think that I am that far along. She also said that this baby will be induced to come anytime after the 1st if he doesn't come on his own! It's getting closer for this guy to make his debut. I'm starting to get anxious to have him here. It feels like I have been pregnant forever.

How far along: 34 Weeks
Gender: Boy.
Weight gain: 13 lbs.+ 
Maternity clothes: Shirt, Tank and Pants are Motherhood.
Stretch marks: No. But I don't have much more room to give......
Belly button in or out: In, but I'm starting to have a part that sticks out.
Sleep: Been feeling like I don't get much. Slept in the bed the last week, now I think it's time to move back to the Love Sac.
Best moment this week: Getting all good news from the doctor and Ronin really starting to say "Uh-oh!"
Miss anything:  Been missing the feeling of working out and the great feeling afterward.
Body Update: I only have hip pain after sleeping and some low back pain. Overall been feeling great.
Movement: Kid moves all the time during the day. It seems like he shoulsdn't be able to move as much as he does.
Cravings: Vinegar cheese with wheat thins. But I know if I make it I will eat all of it!
Queasy or sick: Not really. Only if I don't eat.
Looking forward to: Labor Day weekend, kinda. Ryan will be out hunting all weekend and I don't know what I will do. 

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