Friday, December 30, 2011

Almost New Years

As the new year approaches, Ryan and I have talked about making new years resolutions. I am not sure how well this will work out. I have always been the one to say, 'ok I will lose weight and keep it off' and I will do this or that and never stick with it.

We are going to be making our own lists and making sure that we both stick to them. So far we have agreed that we will both stop drinking caffeine and carbonation. We realize how much we seem to depend on it and it is too much for us. I am not sure what other resolutions to have but stayed tuned....

I know that weight loss will be one of my goals but so will getting in shape. I need to be healthy, and I know that I'm not. Things need to change around our house.

We will be making changes for the better this up and coming year! We look forward to the new us.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Photos

Mag. Board from Des

Eakin Family Rules

Holly Letters

All Other Gifts

Fred and Char's E.

Mugs from Alicia

Sunday, December 25, 2011


As the morning came upon us my excitement grew. I already knew what I was getting for Christmas but Ryan had no idea. As we laid in bed I looked at the clock. It was now 8 in the morning. time to wake him up! I turn to him and begin to shake. He was half asleep so needless to say, this did not make him very happy. I was acting like a little girl on Christmas morning who couldn't wait to see what Santa had brought. Ryan finally complied and got out of bed. I had to bring in his gift from the garage so he closed his eyes and sat in the kitchen. With me not being a good wrapper and not wanting to wrap his gift, I set it on the floor and told him to open. He got really excited. He got a new pair of waders and a dog box for hunting. He gave me a big hug and kiss, said thank you, and then we were off to watch my gift.

The 2 things I got for Christmas were a paid of Timberland boots and a Roku. A Roku lets you stream internet to your TV with special apps., like Hulu Plus, Netflix, HBO GO, etc. It is pretty much awesome! We watched movies and clips all morning until we had to be to Linda's by 1.

Well we were a little late but made in there with gifts in tow. I gave out the crafts I had made (wood letters covered in holly berries) and received several crafts as well. They all were amazing and can't wait to either use them next year or put them up around the house. After lunch and pictures it was then off to see Arland at the AL (Assisted Living). He looked happy but had taken a fall earlier in the week, giving him a scab on his nose. Ryan and I both told him that there was no need to dress up like Rudolph for Christmas. He laughed and thought we were funny.

Then off to Fred and Char's we went, and arrived around 3:30. These people always amaze me. They are always so happy and ready to party. I couldn't wait to give them their Christmas gift so right after opening the door, I had them open it. Again I am not good with wrapping so we wrapped it in Ryan's jacket to give a dramatic effect and it worked. I made them a giant letter E with wine corks that covered it. It looks perfect in their place with their wine colored walls. The night stayed in a happy place with more food and gifts. We even got to speak with Alicia and the boys. We sent them some video games which I hope that they really like. They said they did. Cole even asked me what I got and when I told him boots he began to sing back to me, "Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur." I laughed and explained the boots. Barbi and Gordon gave us a wall hanging that says, "Eakin House Rules" It is really cute, and everyone loved it! Alicia made us mugs that are awesome! Mine has a L on the from and a dandy lion at the bottom. Ryan's has a R and a saying in the bottom, "you have just been... poisoned". He also received a little guys that Alicia made that looks like a zombie. It is awesome! He loves it!

More gifts came but so did the time to run to my parents house. Full from our last 2 stops We arrived to the Peterson's ready to see everyone. However, at this point I had a pounding headache that seemed to not want to leave me. I took some IB Profen and it cleared up, but not without some side effects. None the less, we gave our gifts and received more. My parents gave us a vaccum and Annie gave us a temple block. My aunt Carolyn gave us gifts as well as more from my parents. My dad has a hard time not buying flashlights or hammers every time he goes into Home Depot. This just meant he would buy more for everyone.

We gave the boys the game of "Rayman Origins" and the girls got the 4 movies of Shrek in 1. Everyone seemed very happy. Boys playing games and everyone talking. As my side effects came more apparent so did the rumblings of my stomach. We left in a bit of a rush but overall this Christmas was a good one. I can't wait to see what we will have in store for next year!

Pictures will be coming soon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Crazy Beginning to a Week

Well, I hate to say that I am part of a statistic but it is true. I was not able to begin my work outs this past Monday. I was asked to make beanies for our family pictures and, well, it is taking up a bit more time than I thought. To add to that I have not finished my crafts or the girls of Ryan's family. I have finished an amazing letter for his grand parents though! It is awesome. Pictures will be coming soon. I will also post pictures of the letters done for the girls. They take up a lot of time but they look great!

Richard comes in town tomorrow and I have missed him and Emily so much! I can't wait to see them! This is why we are doing the family pictures. Every year when Richie comes into town we do family pictures. It is the only time that we are all together. I am excited to see how it all turns out as we are receiving a lot of snow right now. Winter Wonderland pictures? I think yes!

I know how this work out works. I have done it before but I now have Ryan who may be willing to do it with me. I am excited to have him by my side during this time. It will be a great change for both of us. Now it is off to the work grind and hopefully everything goes smoothly today.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The New Start

Today I have decided that I will be posting more than I have. I am going to be taking a journey to lose weight and complete certain craft projects. Today is the new start to a new beginning.

Starting with the weight journey.
As of this morning I weighed in at 175.8 lbs. I am currently in the heaviest state I have been in my whole life. I told myself that I would never hit 170. Then when I did I told myself that I would never hit 180. I am now positive that It is time to change my actions and move forward with life in a healthier state. I am trying to get Ryan to help me and get him to do the same. It hasn't been getting very far. He is a very stubborn man.

I am embarrassed to attach these photos below but I am going to. This is the first step to change.

I will be starting a system called WOW. Walk Off Weight. This will be the first step into my change. It will last 4 weeks and I will begin on Monday, December 12th. I will hopefully add photos each week of my change.
After this I will begin the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels.

My life is in need of healthy change. I am running (walking) in head first.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 8

Day 8 – A song to match your mood.

The only song I can think of to match my mood is 'Would You Go With Me' By Josh Turner. It always seems to be the song I turn to if I am out of things to listen to. I just love it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 7

Day 7 – Your dream wedding.

My wedding was my dream wedding! I couldn't have imagined it any different!!! The weather was perfect! My dress was perfect! The whole experience was amazing! Orange was everywhere!! It couldn't have been any better!!!One day when I help my childeren plan their weddings then those weddings will be perfect!

Day 6

Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.

If I could choose an animal to have, other than the 2 I have, I would have to choose a Siberian White Tiger. They are so beautiful! I am not sure how the claw factor would work but I think it would be awesome if they stayed little forever!!!

Day 5

Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.

These pictures were taken for my senior pictures. It was about 2 1/2 years ago. An awesome day that I got to spend with my best friend Megan!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

I have a a lot of best friends! I couldn't just choose 1! So here is a quick cap on them all!

Megan Grimm(Blue Skirt) & Brooke Quinn/Mathis

Megan: This girl has been my Best Friend since kindergarten when we first met! No matter what others may say, Megs has always been there right when I have needed her the most! We have had fights, belching contests, bad days good day, etc. But my favorite thing with Megs is that we both live Vicariously through EACH OTHER!!!
Megs is the Wild Card and Wild Spirit! SHe does what she wants when she wants and doesn't care what others will think about her! I am the conservative type and when I am around her I feel free, like I am not being judged for what I have done, am doing or what I am going to do! She is always a welcoming person! I couldn't imagine life without her.

Brooke: The lady of the blond hair!! This lucky lady has always been a great friend. I never feel alone or down because if I do she is always there to text me and lift me back up.
She is another light in my life. She was the reason that Ryan and I met when we did. If not for her I would not have the wonderful husband that I have now. We met in middle school and clicked! She, Megs and I were like a little possy around shcool. Never seperated until I switched schools. But that didn't stop her from calling me all the time or us hanging out. Then in high school we got even closer when we were on the volleyball team together. That was a blast!! I never knew how much fun a sport could be until she and I were on the same team! She always kept me straight and made sure the plans were made before we did anything. A truely awesome friend!
P.S. She is almost engaged!!! That is why it says Mathis....

Bailey Dutton

Baily: This girl is the reason I made it through the second half of middle school. Being the new transfer, Bailey was the first one to talk to me and show me around. We are both head strong and know what we want and go for it in a conservative way. She has always been an arrow moving in all directions but staying on the straight path, helping me back on even when I fell off. When we were in school she has short spiky hair. She was called many names. I was there for back up. And when I was called fat or chubby she was there for me. We have bben through a lot together since we have met. We have had our moments but she will always stand as a iron rod in my life. I would be a lost soul if she wouldn't have been the amazing person she is! She is now on an LSD mission to Chili and will be amazing! She is loved and we wish her the best!!

Because of these 3 lovely ladies I am the person that I am today! They have helped mold me, and helped me to realize that there is more out there than what is in your backyard. If you explore with your friends you will find the things you would have other wised missed. Thank you ladies for the love and support!!

Much love goes out to anyone who is a friend. Be kind to all, you never know what you will learn!!

These pictures were taken at my wedding bruch! I am happy to have all of them there!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.

Perfect first date?? It's been too long since I have had one. How about I tell of my favorite date! My favorite date was the day Ryan Proposed to me.

He had it all planned out. Dinner, proposal and then home. Well things didn't go quite as planned. He came and picked me as always and opened my door as always. We were going to go the the Real Soccer Game but he said there was a change of plans and we headed up Immigration Canyon.

We went to dinner at this little resurant the is called The Sun and Moon Cafe. Delicious Mexican styled food!!!! There was a 2 man band playing in the corner and kept looking over at our table. Not know what was going on I pushed it to the side. The meal was superb and we headed out. People watched us leave but I just pushed it off.( Come to find out, Ryan was going to propose then.)

The sun was setting just as we went out to the car. I love watching the sun set so we headed to higher ground to watch. We went right above Shriner's Hospital and was able to look out over the whole valley. The lights started to twinkle as the sun went lower and the starts started to come out. We started taking funny face pictures when Ryan took my left hand and said, "I think we need some before and after pictures." I was confused as he took a picture of my left hand then pulled a ring out of his pocket, standing before me (we were sitting the truck bed so it would have been awkward for him to get down on one knee) and asked me to marry him.

I was so ecstatic! As you know the rest of the story, I said yes and now we have been married for 1 1/2 years!

And that is my idea of the best date

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 – A photo of something you ate today.

Today I had a Healthy Choice Meal for lunch. It was pretty tasty I must say and yes, there are even Mushrooms in it!! Yuck! But I am trying to try new foods and this is what I get. As a side point I did eat it all. My tummy may not have liked all that healthy food. Today was more of a binge day for me. I have also eaten; Kettle Salt and Vinegar chips & Marshmallow Maties!! Today is full of all sorts of foods!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 1

Day 1 - a photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

This photo wasn't from today but is the most recent I have. Today has been a crazy day. At work we are changing all of our systems over and trying to make them link together and...... Needless to say it is not going so well. However school is going great. 1 week from Monday I will be 1/2 the way through and onto a new career. Ryan has been sick and down for the past few days but is now on the up and up. Moose and Drake almost have a kennel up and running in our own backyard. They will love the space it gives them. Moose is now 2 years and almost 3 months old. Little Drake is now 5 months old and still a little pain! I am hoping to have a nice relaxing night before a long day of snowboarding tomorrow!!! Keep your fingers crossed that I don't fall too many times!!!

I will see you back here for Day 2 of this Challenge!

30 Day Challenge

Now I know this may be cheezy but I feel like I need to step my blogging game. I know that there are some people doing the 30 Day Challenge so I am stepping up to the task!!

Here is how it goes:

Day 1 - a photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

Day 2 – A photo of something you ate today.

Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.

Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.

Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.

Day 7 – Your dream wedding.

Day 8 – A song to match your mood.

Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.

Day 10 – A photo of your favorite place to eat.

Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?

Day 12 – A photograph of the town you live in.

Day 13 – Your favorite musician and why?

Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.

Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.

Day 16 – Your celebrity crush.

Day 17 – A photo of you and your family.

Day 18 – Something you crave a lot.

Day 19 – Another picture of yourself.

Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.

Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.

Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

Day 23 – 15 facts about you.

Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.

Day 25 – What’s in your purse?

Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to.

Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?

Day 28 – Your favorite movie.

Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.

Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today & three good things that have happened in the past