Friday, September 12, 2014

36 Weeks

How far along: 36 Weeks
Gender: Boy.
Weight gain: 13 lbs.+ 
Maternity clothes: Shirt, Tank and Pants are Motherhood.
Stretch marks: No. However, I think my old ones are starting to turn pink..
Belly button in or out: 50/50. I'm a half in and half out.
Sleep: I don't like sleep. I do it because I need to not because it makes me feel good. I wake up in pain all night and am sore for most of the morning. Nothing helps.
Best moment this week: A lot has been happening this week! I went to the Dr. and I have started to dilate! Looks like little man is getting ready to make his appearance.
Miss anything:  This week I miss being able to pick up Ronin without going into a contraction of any kind. It makes me sad that I can't hold him the way I used too.
Body Update: Hip pain when I sleep but nothing during the day. Unless I sit on the floor, then my feet fall asleep. I also have contractions on a regular basis. All through out the day. Some real other not but still inconvenient.
Movement: This baby moves all the time. He is head down now and he likes to beat me up. He is also starting to get the hiccups a lot more.
Cravings: No major craving except brownies. But they always sound good to me!
Queasy or sick: Not really. Only if I don't eat.
Looking forward to: Well, everything is packed in my hospital bag and our room is ready to go. Car seat and all! Now all I need is to be patient and wait for this baby to get here!

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