Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Playing catch up once again......

AND I thought that I was behind before.

Ronin turned 1! We couldn't believe how fast time has flown by! He is getting to be so big! When we went to the Dr. They said that he is in the 90th% for everything! we are thrilled

We are now expecting #2!!! Another little boy will be here to grace us with his presence in Octoberish. I still can't believe it.

Last October we moved in with my parents to save money and get out of debt. We are almost there! 2 more car payments then on to the Credit Card. We anticipate to be debt free, except medical expenses, by mid August!

Ronin is going to have sugery this week which is really pulling at my heart strings. I know that he needs it but it also makes me sad to think that my baby is going to be in pain for some time... Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well.

I have been watching a lot of stuff on Facebook and am getting really discouraged by what I see.
Almost nothing positive and all I can think of is what will the world be like for my kids? I'm removing myself from Facebook except to keep up on baby posts. I am going to start posting here each week and if people want to see what is going on they can check it out here. Too much craziness going on that I don't want to see.

Tomorrow I am going to post all my belly pics up top this point and will play catch up on the baby front.

I also have been posting to Lou's To Do's again. All my crafting seems to be getting better. That and my cooking.

Well I will see you all tomorrow!

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