Thursday, June 26, 2014

Baby #2 Headed Our Way!

Back in January Ryan and I were talking about having another baby. Ronin was 9 months old and we missed the newborn stage. We decided we would let nature take its course and let it happen when it happens. Well, we are now 2 for 2. We were blessed with another pregnancy!
We waited awhile to really tell anyone. I was skeptical at first because I had had a negative test result. I knew that I was pregnant but the test said otherwise. Waiting a few more days, I took another test, knowing that I had a baby on board. Long behold, test #2 confirmed that there was indeed a baby on the way. At about 6 weeks we told our parents. Then at 9 weeks we told the rest of our immediate families. No one really believed us and thought we were joking but they got on board pretty quick.
Although our families knew, we waited to tell everyone else. At first the baby was measuring a little behind so we wanted to make sure that everything was good. So on Ronin's birthday we went to Fetal Foto in Murray and found out the sex. Another BOY was going to be coming to our family to make us 4. We waited until that weekend, at Ronin's party, to surprise everyone.

I started to show a lot quicker this time. My stomach knew right where it was going to go and shifted quickly. I wasn't too sick at first but had a bit of a bug for 2 days that were spread out. After that I was good to go. However, I did have major sciatic pain going through my left hip. It would get to the point where I couldn't walk. Luckily after a vacation of aggravation to it, it seemed to cure what was going on. Since about 20 weeks I haven't had much of a problem.

At 20 Weeks I went in for my medical ultrasound. They told me that all was good. Baby was still measuring with the accurate date and all looked good with him. However, I have what is called a Placental Lake. A lot of the time there isn't much going on with these unless you have a lot of them. I only have the 1 but it is right next to the umbilical cord. Due to this, the baby could have a low birth weight and will have to be looked at again when I am at 30 weeks. They only thing to do is watch me and keep my heart rate moderate. Raising it too high can cause risks. But it will all be predetermined later.

20 weeks and half way there! It's hard to believe!

Things are slowly moving along! We are getting closer and closer. I am now at 25 weeks! only 15 weeks left!! I have only gained 10 pounds but i know that there is more to come! Little guy is moving around a bunch! he like to do karate on my ribs. Gotta love that.

I'm so grateful that everything is going well! Next Board will be coming around the 4th of July!

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