Thursday, November 15, 2012

Talk about being BEHIND!!!

So I was thinking the other day, "I should probably put up a post on my blog about how thing have been going.", little did I know (remember) that I hadn't posted anything since MARCH!!! I think I am a little behind... Maybe just a little. So here is my recap of the last 8 months.

-Ryan turned 26
-Cole turned 11
-Richard turned 28

-Nothing I can remember

-I began to get a heat rash that was on my chest and face.

-I quite at Knead-A-Massage on good terms and hope to go back one day.
-We took a trip to Lake Powell with the family, Corianne & Tucker! It was fun but I got really sick.
- My rash began to worsen and began to spread to my back.
-Ryan began going to the gym on his total mind-body makeover.

-Happy 3rd Anniversary! We got a happy surprise on our anniversary that I was pregnant! Best anniversary gift ever!!!
-Brooke found out that shi is pregnant too!!!
-Went to the doctor about my rash. He told me that it was a heat rash mixed with an allergy and it exploded due to my hormones of being pregnant. That meant no more sun shine for me.
-I was feeling sick but not throwing up. The only things I wanted to eat was soup, soup and more soup!

-Got our 1st ultra sound on the 10th. Little bean measured 9 weeks and 4 days. DR. Said that everything was looking great. Anticipated due date is April 10, 2013
-Slowly feeling better. Feels like April will never come!
-Brooke and I are due 1 day apart; however, she is having TWINS!!!

-Starting to feel great! No more sickness unless I don't eat.
-Rash is finally clearing up! Now all that is left in the wake is acne! I HATE ACNE!
-Ryan has lost so much weight!! He is looking great! I am so proud of him!
-Brooke found out that she is having 2 girls!!!
-We found out that we are having a little...............BOY!!! Ronin Miles Eakin!

-Took some time off from work. Cleaned my house and started planning a bridal shower for Bailey. It was great to relax!!
-Feeling great! no problems! And I am starting to show!!! Except I think that people think that I am just fat and don't want to suck in anymore.
-Ryan has lost over 50 lbs!!! He doing great and looking amazing!

Well that is the quick recap! I am hoping to keep posting as things progress instead of waiting so long. Keep your fingers crossed!!

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