Thursday, November 15, 2012

Talk about being BEHIND!!!

So I was thinking the other day, "I should probably put up a post on my blog about how thing have been going.", little did I know (remember) that I hadn't posted anything since MARCH!!! I think I am a little behind... Maybe just a little. So here is my recap of the last 8 months.

-Ryan turned 26
-Cole turned 11
-Richard turned 28

-Nothing I can remember

-I began to get a heat rash that was on my chest and face.

-I quite at Knead-A-Massage on good terms and hope to go back one day.
-We took a trip to Lake Powell with the family, Corianne & Tucker! It was fun but I got really sick.
- My rash began to worsen and began to spread to my back.
-Ryan began going to the gym on his total mind-body makeover.

-Happy 3rd Anniversary! We got a happy surprise on our anniversary that I was pregnant! Best anniversary gift ever!!!
-Brooke found out that shi is pregnant too!!!
-Went to the doctor about my rash. He told me that it was a heat rash mixed with an allergy and it exploded due to my hormones of being pregnant. That meant no more sun shine for me.
-I was feeling sick but not throwing up. The only things I wanted to eat was soup, soup and more soup!

-Got our 1st ultra sound on the 10th. Little bean measured 9 weeks and 4 days. DR. Said that everything was looking great. Anticipated due date is April 10, 2013
-Slowly feeling better. Feels like April will never come!
-Brooke and I are due 1 day apart; however, she is having TWINS!!!

-Starting to feel great! No more sickness unless I don't eat.
-Rash is finally clearing up! Now all that is left in the wake is acne! I HATE ACNE!
-Ryan has lost so much weight!! He is looking great! I am so proud of him!
-Brooke found out that she is having 2 girls!!!
-We found out that we are having a little...............BOY!!! Ronin Miles Eakin!

-Took some time off from work. Cleaned my house and started planning a bridal shower for Bailey. It was great to relax!!
-Feeling great! no problems! And I am starting to show!!! Except I think that people think that I am just fat and don't want to suck in anymore.
-Ryan has lost over 50 lbs!!! He doing great and looking amazing!

Well that is the quick recap! I am hoping to keep posting as things progress instead of waiting so long. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Another Day Getting Over Being Sick

Well, here we go. Ryan was sock with pneumonia last week and I have had a sinus infection for 3 weeks. Things at our house have been messy and we haven't been able to get ahold of what we have had. Luckily, Ryan now only has a cough which should clear up soon. When I took my last trip into the doctors office I found that I have a mild allergy to penicillin. My tongue was going numb and had major headaches. Trying to get better before another week of work but not seeing a great change in how I feel. I keep my hopes up that this soon will pass so i can be back and running around. Another day, another sickness.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ringing in the New Year

Well the new year is here and so is this nasty weather. This winter has not been our best but it feels like spring is already in the air. Shorts seem to be in the near future. Here are the new updates of our family:
Ryan is still loving his job with ALSCO and lovin the days that the snow comes down. He has been snowmobiling a lot and keeps wishing for more snow.
Laura just entered into the Maurices model search and will know if she made it into the finals the end of next week. She also has been workin hard and lovin working in massage.
Lovin the wet weather and wanting to run and sleep all day.
Wants to always play with the toys! Whether is be ripping them apart or playing fetch. He has also been sick and we hope that he will be getting better soon.

We are all looking forward to some warmer weather to go to the park and play!!