Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

I have a a lot of best friends! I couldn't just choose 1! So here is a quick cap on them all!

Megan Grimm(Blue Skirt) & Brooke Quinn/Mathis

Megan: This girl has been my Best Friend since kindergarten when we first met! No matter what others may say, Megs has always been there right when I have needed her the most! We have had fights, belching contests, bad days good day, etc. But my favorite thing with Megs is that we both live Vicariously through EACH OTHER!!!
Megs is the Wild Card and Wild Spirit! SHe does what she wants when she wants and doesn't care what others will think about her! I am the conservative type and when I am around her I feel free, like I am not being judged for what I have done, am doing or what I am going to do! She is always a welcoming person! I couldn't imagine life without her.

Brooke: The lady of the blond hair!! This lucky lady has always been a great friend. I never feel alone or down because if I do she is always there to text me and lift me back up.
She is another light in my life. She was the reason that Ryan and I met when we did. If not for her I would not have the wonderful husband that I have now. We met in middle school and clicked! She, Megs and I were like a little possy around shcool. Never seperated until I switched schools. But that didn't stop her from calling me all the time or us hanging out. Then in high school we got even closer when we were on the volleyball team together. That was a blast!! I never knew how much fun a sport could be until she and I were on the same team! She always kept me straight and made sure the plans were made before we did anything. A truely awesome friend!
P.S. She is almost engaged!!! That is why it says Mathis....

Bailey Dutton

Baily: This girl is the reason I made it through the second half of middle school. Being the new transfer, Bailey was the first one to talk to me and show me around. We are both head strong and know what we want and go for it in a conservative way. She has always been an arrow moving in all directions but staying on the straight path, helping me back on even when I fell off. When we were in school she has short spiky hair. She was called many names. I was there for back up. And when I was called fat or chubby she was there for me. We have bben through a lot together since we have met. We have had our moments but she will always stand as a iron rod in my life. I would be a lost soul if she wouldn't have been the amazing person she is! She is now on an LSD mission to Chili and will be amazing! She is loved and we wish her the best!!

Because of these 3 lovely ladies I am the person that I am today! They have helped mold me, and helped me to realize that there is more out there than what is in your backyard. If you explore with your friends you will find the things you would have other wised missed. Thank you ladies for the love and support!!

Much love goes out to anyone who is a friend. Be kind to all, you never know what you will learn!!

These pictures were taken at my wedding bruch! I am happy to have all of them there!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.

Perfect first date?? It's been too long since I have had one. How about I tell of my favorite date! My favorite date was the day Ryan Proposed to me.

He had it all planned out. Dinner, proposal and then home. Well things didn't go quite as planned. He came and picked me as always and opened my door as always. We were going to go the the Real Soccer Game but he said there was a change of plans and we headed up Immigration Canyon.

We went to dinner at this little resurant the is called The Sun and Moon Cafe. Delicious Mexican styled food!!!! There was a 2 man band playing in the corner and kept looking over at our table. Not know what was going on I pushed it to the side. The meal was superb and we headed out. People watched us leave but I just pushed it off.( Come to find out, Ryan was going to propose then.)

The sun was setting just as we went out to the car. I love watching the sun set so we headed to higher ground to watch. We went right above Shriner's Hospital and was able to look out over the whole valley. The lights started to twinkle as the sun went lower and the starts started to come out. We started taking funny face pictures when Ryan took my left hand and said, "I think we need some before and after pictures." I was confused as he took a picture of my left hand then pulled a ring out of his pocket, standing before me (we were sitting the truck bed so it would have been awkward for him to get down on one knee) and asked me to marry him.

I was so ecstatic! As you know the rest of the story, I said yes and now we have been married for 1 1/2 years!

And that is my idea of the best date