Sunday, December 28, 2014

Meeting Santa...... Good or Bad?

Meeting Santa for the first time was a traumatizing experience for Ronin. He was ok to wave, say hi, and do bones but once we went to pout him on his lap for a picture, it all went down hill. He was screaming, holding onto my shirt with both hands and wouldn't let go. We tried to use the giraffe to help but it didn't.

These are the best of what we could get. Ronin screaming for dear life! 

Then it was Griffin's turn. He was so easy........ Luckily for Santa.

To this day, Ronin is traumatized. He will not go anywhere near my uncle Doug (who has a white beard) and will do everything he can to avoid him.

Who know what will happen next year...... This may be a 1 time thing......

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Griffin 2 Months

I can't believe this little man is getting so bug!!

Here are his milestones this month:
Height: 22 in. (11%)
Weight: 11.1 lbs. (22%)
Head: 15.75 in. (79%)
- has reflux and colic
- loves being swaddled for sleeping
- big smiles
- loves bath time
- likes tummy time
- Ronin just loves on him all day!
- has Mommy Dar. I walk away and he knows it.

This little man has been a great addition! He has a rough time at night with his colic and reflux. We are hoping to have him grow out of it by 4 months! We still have to wait a few months to go to a Urologist for his hypospadias but it doesn't seem to be causing any issues. We are trying to all stay healthy through this winter season and can't wait for Christmas!



**This is a little of a late post. Keep watching for our trip to see Santa, Temple Square and Griffin's Blessing!**